YRE International Competition

Global Reach

The Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) programme aims to empower students aged 11-25 to take a stand on environmental issues they feel strongly about and give them a platform to call attention to these issues through the media of writing, photography or video. There are more than 350,000 young reporters in 45 countries across the world. Through the Foundation of Environment Education, BREEF runs the YRE programme in The Bahamas.

National Reach

The Bahamas is the first country in the Caribbean to offer the Young Reporters for the Environment programme.

The Young Reporters for the Environment is an exceptional program as it empowers young individuals to make a meaningful impact through social media, articulating their environmental concerns and suggesting solutions. YRE equips our youth with effective communication skills through a contemporary approach to news dissemination.”- Crystal Darling-Sargent, National Operator for the Young Reporters for the Environment.





“What motivates me to protect nature is the sustainability of our surrounding for future generations. Nature is often neglected by human beings in today’s world and now it’s survival is becoming such a vital aspect of life; we have to protect it.” – Kaitlyn Archer, age 18. Read more. 



Topics: Marine Pollution, Climate Change or Loss of Biodiversity
Choose one of the three topics and enter your short article, video or photo today!

All entries must be submitted by April 14, 2024

Win the special grand prize and National recognition for your work!

Click here to register and learn more!

YRE Featured Video

2023 YRE National Competition Winner Announced!

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